Daily Excerpt: Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers (MacGregor)


excerpt from Everybody's Little Book of Everyday Prayers (MacGregor): - 

General Prayers Communicating with God for Adults and Children 

Sometimes you want to talk to God when it isn’t an occasion or specified time of day and when there isn’t something happening in your life that you want to ask God for or thank God for. You just feel a need to reach out to Him and talk to Him. You might be inspired by an especially pretty sunset, or there may be something else that you want to say that doesn’t fall under a particular prayer category. 

I’ve always wondered whether God likes those prayers best—when He hears from us when we want to talk to Him, not to ask him for something or to pray at a time we think we’re supposed to, but “just because.” Don’t you appreciate the phone call from a friend who says, “I was thinking about you, so I thought I’d pick up the phone and say hi”? Don’t you appreciate the spontaneous kiss from your child—or from anyone else—that isn’t a ‘Hello’ kiss, a ‘Goodbye’ kiss, a ‘Good morning’ kiss, or a ‘Good night’ kiss, but is a spur of the moment kiss that expresses a burst of spontaneous loving emotion? Don’t you think God might feel similarly and appreciate prayers that we offer on the spur of the moment, not because it’s a time when we’re supposed to pray or because we have a favor to ask, but just because we feel like talking to Him or we have something in particular we want to say to Him? 

 General prayers 

The purr of cats,
The songs birds sing,
We thank Thee, Lord,
For everything.

The moon’s soft light,
The day’s bright sun,
We thank Thee, Lord,
For everyone.

Dear Lord,
Let Thy blessings fall on me as rain on a parched earth, for even as the sun shines to give life, too much sun can wither the fruit on the vine and the flowers in the field if there is not ample rain for balance. So, let my life be balanced, also, with rain and sun, with joys and with sorrows that make me better appreciate the joys Thou hast given me. Balance my life, also, with times of plenty of work and times of ample recreation. But, above all, please rain Thy blessings down on me and shower me with Thy love and compassion, that my blessings may be many and my appreciation of this world and my love for Thee may grow a thousandfold. Amen. 

O God, You know what is best for me. You know what is in my heart and what are the things I want in this life for me, for those I love, and for this very world itself. If it is Your will, I pray that my wishes and prayers will be granted, but if it is not Your will, then help me to accept my lot in life and Your plan for me, for those I hold dear, and for all the others for whom I pray. You know best of all what is the best thing and the right thing in the larger scope of my life and of this world’s plan. May I never question Your divine judgment and Your granting or withholding of favors, and may I never rely too heavily on You, but remember that it is up to me to do whatever I can toward gaining my goals. Thank You! Amen

The heavens and the world thereunder Instill in me the gift of wonder. May I never be blasé On viewing golden, breaking day Or gazing at the starlit night— Your gift to give the world delight. These gloried proofs of Your great power Remind mankind at every hour That You abide in heaven above— The Lord who showers us with love.


O Lord, who is everywhere in all things, Your handiwork is a magnificent marvel, from the crimson sunrise to the purple sunset, from the golden moonglow to the scarlet sun, and from the abundance of the field to the teeming life in the sea. As we feast on the fruits of Your fields and drink of the water You have provided for us, let us never forget that the beauty of our homeland earth, the magnificence of the entire universe, the very foods we eat for sustenance and the water that gives us life are Your creations. You have provided for our life and well-being, for our apprecia tion of nature’s beauty, and for all our needs and wants. Your love for us is manifest in the blessings and bounties You have provided us. Thank You, O Lord! Amen.


 Lord, give me strength to resist temptation, courage to do the right thing, wisdom to know right from wrong and good from evil, knowledge to teach my children all the needed lessons, and integrity to keep me from judging my neighbor. Amen. 

Find more general prayers in the book.

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