The Story behind the Book: Tale of a Mission Cat (Sula)
Today's story behind the book tells the tale behind Tale of a Mission Cat by Sula. From the author -- The book content was the second in what has turned out to be the Sula series. It was inspired by fourth-grade students from all over Northern California who regularly visit the Mission on Thursdays for school projects. As I (Elizabeth Mahlou, amanuensis for Sula) watched them gather brochures for the school projects, I realized that there some things about the Mission that was not in those brochures or any brochure. So, I set about writing about all aspects of the Mission grounds, things that the children could see but that were not explained anywhere, including some pieces of history -- all told from the point of view of Sula, the cat, whom they all met either on the grounds, in the church, or in the gift shop. It became a sophisticated "cheat sheet" for them -- things that their teacher did not know, for the most part. Next to Surviving Cancer, Healing People , i