
Showing posts with the label Understanding the Entrepreneur

Daily Excerpt: Understanding the Entrepreneur (Quinelle) - The Socion Entrpreneur and the MBTI ENTJ

  Excerpt from Understanding the Entrepreneur  (Quinelle) -  The Socionic Entrepreneur and the MBTI ENTJ The socionic Entrepreneur is a TIE. This nomenclature stands for an Intuitive Thinking Extrovert who is Rational. (The order of the letters, discussed later, represents the Rational, rather than the Irrational, typology.) For those familiar with the MBTI, the closest type to the Entrepreneur would be the ENTJ, the Extraverted (note MBTI spelling), Intuitive, Thinking, Rational type. The ENTJ in the MBTI, and especially as defined by Keirsey and Bates (1984), is a leader type. (In Keirsey’s system of metaphors, the ENTJ is a field marshal.) In socionics, there are some small differences between the ENTJ and the Entrepreneur, which may become evident to those familiar with the MBTI later in this book as the various characteristics of the Entrepreneur personality type are discussed. It is not at all required to know the MBTI in order to understand socionics. In fact,...

Excerpt from Understanding the Entrepreneur: The 16 Socions/Personality Types

The Quinelle series of books, based on Understanding the People around You , focuses on individual personality types. The excerpt below is from Understanding the Entrepreneur: Socionics in Everyday Life . It is from the introduction, which identifies the 16 socions (Jungian personality types) presented by Dr. Filatova, using one of the two models (Model A and Model J) by which socionists organize the tyeps. Which is your type? Check below! Want more information? Read the books! Start with Filatova's book, then turn to Quinelle's books that break out the individual styles: Understanding the Analyst Understnading the Critic Undersntading the Enterpreneur Understanding the Seeker ---- at least three more coming in 2020 (Romantic, Performer, Professional) From Understanding the Entrepreneur : Model J Model J also includes 16 psychological types, but the representational system used by Model J is simplified. For each of the 16 psychological types, Model J uses...