
Four Ways to Enhance Gratitude (guest post by Julie M. Gentile)

When you’re knee deep in work in the office or at home, gratitude is probably not the first thing that crosses your mind. Instead, you might have racing thoughts about how much you still have to do today or about things that aren’t going your way. Enter gratitude practice. Gratitude is appreciating and recognizing the abundance already in your life. Among its many benefits, living in gratitude can enhance your optimism and expand your heart. Gratitude is always there, but practicing it is a choice. Every thought you think, every word you speak, every action you take can carry the vibration of gratitude. As I write this, I’m typing with one hand because my son is sitting on my lap, asking me how to spell different words. And do you know what? Instead of feeling like he is bothering me and redirecting his attention elsewhere, I’m grateful for his questions and his curiosity, and that he still wants to hang out with me. I know in a few moments, he’ll wonder off to play wit

Talking about the Unspeakable

What MSI books are people talking about? Those that talk about those things that people find difficult to talk about but need to: He's a Porn Addict...Now What? (Overbay and Shea) available in hard cover, paperback, and e-book Healing from Incest (Henderson and Emerton) available in hard cover, parperback, and e-book Both are tastefully written but also frank and informative. Find them at the MSI press webtore at the MSI press website OR online sellers (Amazon, B&N, etc.) OR your local library or bookstore (if not there, ask).

Author in the News: Larry MacDonald's Travels with Elly Featured in January Magazine

January Magazine 2020 features Travels with Elly (Larry MacDonald).  Read about it HERE . Read posts by and about Larry, this book, and his other work  HERE . .

Recovering from Holiday Overeating: Overcoming the Tyranny of Day One (guest post by Chrsitina Fisanick)

Too much holiday food? Gained some weight? Need to move on from overeating in general? New Year's Resolution weighing you down?  Take some advice from Christina Fisanick, author of The Optimistic Food Addict? Ending the Tyranny of Day One:  Stop Starting Over and Start Living Your Life in Recovery by Christina Fisanick “I will start day one again on Monday.”  “I blew it! It’s back to day one tomorrow.”  “I am ready to get back to eating healthy. Day one starts today!” I hear those words often in recovery circles, especially at this time of year when overeating during the holidays and then dieting in the new year are the “norm.” Even people without disordered eating struggle with guilt for eating too many high calories foods and abandoning their exercise routines. However, for people who suffer from an eating disorder (and people for whom dieting is a way of life) continuously starting over and over and over again can actually hamper recovery and overall heal

Book Alert: A Movie Lover's Search for Romance (Joanna J. Charnas)

Available as of today, on pre-order, at sale price!  Release date: June 15, 2020 Other books by Joanna: Living Well with Chronic Illness 100 Tips and Tools for Managing Chronic Illness Read posts by and about Joanna and her books on this blog: click HERE .

Five Reasons to Start Journaling Tonight (guest post by Julie M. Gentile)

Adding yet another thing to your to-do list when you're already overwhelmed may be out of the question, but what if this extra thing could help bring more clarity and balance to the rest of your life? Enter journaling—one of my favorite self-care practices. Journaling helps me to continuously check in with myself, organizes my thoughts and brings laser focus to what areas of my life are in need of more attention. Journal every day to be well on your way to more clarity and balance. Journaling can help you: 1.      Articulate who you are and name what it is that you want. 2.      Become more aware of your habits and patterns so you can modify them if needed. 3.      Let go of stress, release emotions that no longer serve you and process experiences. 4.      Spark creativity, including helping to identify innovative solutions you may not have previously considered. 5.      Connect to the possibilities available to you in every moment. Get Started Tod

Julie Gentile: IPPY Award

Congratulations to Julie Gentile for winning the bronze medal in the IPPY Living Now competition for her book, 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas .