Grandma's Ninja Diary: Old Lady in a Cardigan

As I was traveling to St, Louis from San Jose today, an elderly man and his wife sat in the row next to me. We got talking when we noticed that I was watching Angel Has Fallen, a great movie but lots of violent action. Somehow, the conversation passed on to the time he spent in the British Army and the time I spent in the American Army. He commented, "Looks are deceptive. I thought I was sitting beside an old lady in a cardigan. Figured you were a writer (I am -- and I was doing some on the plane as I watched the movie, so that did not take a big guess), working on some leisurely writings in retirement (well, I am retured, technically, since I get a pension, but nothing else about my life is "retired." Yeah, I suppose a dress and cardigan (the picture is not me -- I do not have one of me from the plane -- but is fairly approximate) might be deceptive. At the end of the flight, being short, I had trrouble reaching my luggage in those big cabinets on the bid plan...