For the Partners of Porn Addicts -- Joshua Shea Part 1 (Kingdom Cross Podcast)

Joshua Shea, author of MSI published book, He's a Porn Addict...Now What? seemingly had it all. A loving wife, two children, and a supportive extended family. In 2010, after nearly fifteen years working of his way up the journalism ladder, he launched a lifestyle magazine in his hometown. Within a year, he was one of the founders of Central Maine’s largest film festival and had won a seat on the City Council in Auburn, Maine.
Accolades, including receiving the Key to the City and being called one of the “Next 10 People Shaping Maine’s Economy” by a state newspaper followed. While the public got one picture of Joshua, behind closed doors, his longtime mental health and addiction issues were festering.
A workaholic by nature, he actively ignored the red flags surrounding his long-existing pornography and alcohol problems. Finding it easier to lose himself in a bottle of tequila and adult websites, his relationships with his family, colleagues, and friends grew distant. His business ventures began to collapse.
Then, Life as he knew it came to a screeching halt when he was arrested on a charge relating to encouraging a teenager to disrobe in a chatroom in 2014. He was convicted and served six months in jail in early 2016. Following his arrest, he sought help and treatment through intense one-on-one therapy, group therapy, and at inpatient rehab facilities.
Joshua published a book titled, “The Addiction Nobody Will Talk About: How I Let My Pornography Addiction Hurt People and Destroy Relationships.” We discussed this book in his last interview. I recommend you back to episode numbers 318 and 319 to hear all about his background, what happened and how he has been shedding light on this area – as well as all about that book.
Recently, Joshua has published another book, which is why I wanted to bring him back on the program today. The new book is titled, “He’s a Porn Addict…Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions.”
Joshua, thank you for your willingness to come back on the program to discuss this sensitive, but needful topic today.
This new book is basically written for the partners of porn addicts, correct?
I guess I’ll just ask this question right here. Most porn addicts are males. But are their female porn addicts as well?
So this book could be for men, but mainly it is written for women?
Your book provided two unique viewpoints on this addiction, to help the partners navigate through these trying times in their relationship. Are those two viewpoints what you referenced with professional contributor and also your point of view?
How did you decide that this book was needful at this time?
So the partners tend to blame themselves?
What type of questions do female partners usually have when they find out their partners are porn addicts?
How can someone deal with being exposed as a porn addict, both as the individual involved and also as the partner of the addict
For the answers to these questions and how God fits into the life of a porn addict, find a comfortable spot and spend some quality listening time.



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