Posts on Parental Burnout by Dr. Haim Omer, MSI Press Author


Dr. Omer, togetherw with Els Vandingenen ( has written a two-post series that any parent can relate to -- and gives some help for those times when you feel like you are at the end of your rope. (There is more rope!).

Here is an excerpt from the first of the two posts:

The mother tells of conflicting thoughts that don’t give her pause, such as: “Your children really need you!” “Your son will be traumatized if you are not there for him!” “Don’t be like your parents!” “If you start being like them, in the end you’ll be like your grandma!” “Why are other mothers able to fulfill their role smoothly and caringly?” “You are to blame for your child’s anxiety! You never gave him the basic trust that he needs to feel safe!” Or on a different vein altogether: “Why is being a mom so much like a straightjacket?” “Where has my whole life gone?” “How did I get here?” “How come I am completely effaced?”

In our next post I’ll describe how the mother and her coach looked for a way out of this labyrinth. You are invited to register at the frontpage of this site, so as to be updated on the follow-up.

Read the rest of the post by Dr. Omer HERE.

Read the continuation (the second post) HERE.

You can read blog posts about and excerpts from Dr. Omer's book,
Courageous Parents, HERE.


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