Cats and Cancer


A couple of months ago, in a Cancer Diary post, we shared the ways in which cats get cancer. When our first two cats, Intrepid and, pictured above, Murjan, came down with cancer (small cell lymphoma), one of which died within four months and the other which lived an additional 2.5 years, we were in shock. We were aware that cats could get cancer because of our experience with MSI Press author, Sula, parish cat at Old Mission. 

But then it really hit home and in big numbers. 

 First, Intrepid and Murjan

Then, two other cats have since been diagnosed with cancer. 

Happy Cat beat skin cancer, after only one round of freezing it off his nose. 

Snyezhka is now a one-year cancer survivor at the Animal Cancer Center in Monterey, Califonia, where she sees Dr. Teri Arteaga, who is also Sula's vet oncologist. 

That totals 2/3 of our 6 cats! Different cancers, different cat backgrounds (all are adopted street cats), different cat breeds. No idea of causes, either, but clearly no cat is safe! 

We hope to expand on this topic in later blog posts but also on our web page, Carl's Cancer Compendium, which is and very likely always will be a work in progress. It includes a section on animal cancer (so far, very nascent).

The Cancer Diary post mentioned above is HERE. It did not appear for Caturday, so it seems like a good place and time to share it.

For more posts on cat cancer, click HERE.

For more posts on cancer, click HERE.

For more posts on cats, click HERE.

For Intrepid's story, click HERE.


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