Cancer Diary: Preparing to Pass On


Existence makes sense only if we include the afterlife as part of our history.

Scientists are exploring the concept that life, including what is called the afterlife, may not be as we perceive it. New discoveries having to do with the simultaneous nature of time and the relativity of space coincide dramatically with the testimony of Near-Death Experience (NDE) survivors. The question is, where does our energy go and how much of our identity goes with it?

Passing On: How to Prepare Ourselves for the Afterlife attempts to shed light on these questions and many others, such as:

Do we meet up with loved ones after we pass on?
Do we take form as a physical entity or are we pure essence?
Do time and space exist in the afterlife, and:
What are the characteristics of the afterlife---is it as joyful, loving and forgiving as those who have undergone a Near-Death Experience claim?
This book is for people of all ages who are interested in a future beyond earthly existence, and what can be done to prepare ourselves for it!

For more Cancer Diary posts, click HERE.

For more posts on dying, click HERE.

For more posts on Joanna Romer's book, Passing On, click HERE.

For more posts about the late Joanna Roner and her books, click HERE.

This post has been about preparing emotionally and spiritually. For thoughts on how to prepare legally and financially, see Carl's Cancer Compendium's section; YOU OR A LOVED ONE HAS JUST RECEIVED A DIAGNOSIS OF ADVANCED STAGE 4 CANCER…NOW WHAT?

Blog editor's note: As a memorial to Carl, and simply because it is truly needed, MSI Press is now hosting a web page, Carl's Cancer Compendium, as a one-stop starting point for all things cancer, to make it easier for those with cancer to find answers to questions that can otherwise take hours to track down on the Internet and/or from professionals. The web page is in its infancy but expected to expand into robustness. To that end, it is expanded and updated weekly. As part of this effort, each week, on Monday, this blog will carry an informative, cancer-related story -- and be open to guest posts: Cancer Diary. 


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