The Story behind the Book: Road Map to Power (Husain & Husain)


Today's blog post is the next in the series of book back stories and is the story behind Road Map to Power by Syed and Darius Husain.

From the author - 

The beginning for Road Map to Power occurred on the melting asphalt of a parking lot on a blistering Missouri summer day. It was there my father hitched a ride home from a work colleague named Bill.

I will spare you the details of the encounter - you will have to read the book! - but the experience served as an inflection point in my father’s life. From many vantage points, Dr. Syed Arshad Husain was the American dream manifested. Born into humble beginnings, he immigrated to the United States and reached the pinnacle of his profession. On the way to the top, however, my father had drifted from the reasons why he embarked on the journey in the first place. His experience with Bill was a course correction and Dr. Syed Arshad Husain rededicated his life’s work to serving the most marginalized and forgotten in our society.

In his travels across the world, he witnessed humanity's most brutal atrocities alongside pockets of incredible hope and resilience. In these experiences, he discovered the common bonds between people regardless of race, class, and religion.

Despite his ambitious schedule, my father would call me for no particular reason but to say hello and see how I was doing. During one seemingly benign phone conversation, the tone turned more serious.

“I want to write a book about my experiences . . .

“That sounds like a great idea,” I cut him off before he could finish.

“And, I want you to write it with me,” he concluded.

I balked at the proposition at first, but my father had incredible persistence along with a warmth that could break down the sturdiest of personal barriers. The next 18 months were filled with emails back and forth, sample chapters and edits crisscrossing cyberspace, and drawn out conversations about the essence of life. Once the manuscript was completed, Betty and MSI Press took a chance on publication.

After a long and meaningful life, my father passed away, and in my mourning, I have revisited Road Map to Power on more than a few occasions. The themes and insights of Dr. Syed Arshad Husain remain a unifying force in our increasingly polarized communities. Through this book, his words will continue to inspire and point a way forward. For me, when I am feeling the pains of not being able to have just one more conversation, I can open to any page and know he is never too far away. I suppose my father always understood the long game about writing Road Map to Power: the help it would provide others would begin close to home with his son.

Book Description:

This thought-provoking book examines the true source of personal power, how our quest for success and achievement originated, and how it affects us today.

So, what is the true source of authentic power? Offering a detour from the dead end of this "buy more, be more" culture, the authors demonstrate why the traditional routes to power are accessible only for an elite few. Wrapping warm, profound stories of empowerment around an extensive body of research, Road Map to Power is your guide to a life of dignity, satisfaction, and happiness--and a guide to raising resilient children..

Road Map to Power
won the Bronze Medal in the Readers' Favorite competition

Comment from a reviewer (Hilary Hawkes):

"Road Map to Power is a thought-provoking book that examines the true source of personal power, how our quest for success and achievement originated, and how it affects us today. Road Map to Power is well-written and very readable. This is a book with a message that could be a starting point for transforming the lives of readers stuck in pursuing something unattainable to them personally or who are caught up in false beliefs that money, better possessions or approval will bring them the happiness they crave."

Paperback copies of Renyuan's book can be purchased
at 25% discount with coupon code FF25.

For more posts about Syed and Darius and their book, click HERE.

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