Tip #8 from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents - Life is full of learning

Today's tip for parents (from two talented teachers) comes from 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents by Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly (yes, those are the two talented teachers).


Life is Full of Learning


The work can wait while you show the child the rainbow,

But the rainbow won’t wait while you do the work.

~Patricia Clafford


Everywhere you go and everything you do with your child is an opportunity for learning. Of course, you do not want everything you say and do to become a lesson, but just being aware of the endless opportunities can broaden your child’s view of the world.

A good teacher will bring all of the classroom lessons to life by showing how they apply to the real world. You can do this, too. Here are some examples:


      Ask your child questions about gas when you’re filling up the tank.

      Read signs together while driving somewhere.

      Predict and then count the number of cars that drive by your house in a 15-minute span.

      Research and visit the oldest building in your town.

      Discuss the water cycle the next time it rains…

      Lie in the grass together and observe the bugs. (Look up one you don’t recognize in a bug book from the library.) Now, roll over and talk about the clouds. (Don’t forget to find shapes in them!)


You get the picture! Learning is everywhere! These activities take no preparation at all. Just look around and initiate discussions when you're with your child. Think about what she's learning in school. How does it relate to her life? Point it out. A child will remember so much more if she can see how it fits into the big picture—her world. A good teacher will always do this. You can, too!


     Cindy McKinley Alder                                            Patti Trombly

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