
Excerpt from He's a Porn Addict...Now What? (Overbay & Shea): My First Question: How Do I Know If He's Actually an Addict?

My First Questions How do I know if he’s actually an addict? Tony, the mental health professional When a client comes into my office to talk about her partner who she thinks is an addict, she’ll usually begin to list all the reasons she’s sure he’s addicted to pornography. Then she’ll ask me the question, “How do I really know?” At this point, I recognize she’s doubting herself and questioning her intuition. This usually happens for one of two reasons: either she thinks she’s not qualified to make that diagnosis or, most commonly, she doesn’t want it to be true. I’ll hear the client’s entire monologue about her partner’s behavior, a behavior that led her to my office in the first place, only to hear her say, “But I’m probably wrong.” What she’s really thinking is ‘Please tell me I’m wrong.’ Chances are, she’s not wrong, but there is help, and there is hope. There are countless definitions of addiction, each with its own little nuances, but for the work I do, I l

Author in the News: Julia Aziz Self-Publishes a Book for People Having a Hard Time, on Kindle

It's not easy to know what to do with yourself when you're grieving, anxious, angry, ashamed, or just feeling stuck. This little book offers a simple practice for releasing and relieving negative emotions, to help bring about a more compassionate, centered way of being with whatever is happening. Written by a psychotherapist and Jewish interfaith minister during pandemic times, The Little Book That Listens is like a series of Oracle cards with messages that comfort, encourage, uplift, and redirect. The power of self-healing is here for you. Currently on pre-order: on sale soon at Amazon . Read posts by and about Julia Aziz HERE .

Introducing Dr. Andrew Harvey, MSI Press Author

Dr. Andrew Harvey served in law enforcement for 25 years, the last 12 as a captain with a Southern California police agency.  He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal justice from California State University at Los Angeles, and an educational doctorate in the field of organizational leadership from Pepperdine University.  He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the California POST Command College, the West Point Leadership Program, and is recognized in California as a master instructor. Dr. Harvey is an award-winning college educator, with two decades of college teaching experience at five different institutions, ranging from community college all the way through the university doctorate level. His book, Tucker and Me ,   is a delightful tale of a boyhood split between the South and the big city of Los Angeles. LISTEN TO MARY ANN RAEMISCH INTERVIEW ANDREW HARVEY ON  TUCKER AND ME  AND MORE Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down

Excerpt from Lessons of Labor: Resistance

The following excerpt comes from Julia Aziz's book, Lessons of Labor: One Woman's Self-Discovery through Labor and Motherhood. Resistance  Somehow, even though I was breathing through the contractions, staying upright and mobile, varying my position, receiving massages and emotional support, listening to calming music, and experiencing a healthy, safe, naturally progressing labor, I wasn’t happy at all. I was furious. I could not get on top of the experience. I felt like I was at war with the contractions, and they were winning. They came at me like the pounding surf, over and over again, each one stronger and each one pulling my fighting attitude down with it. When I wasn’t struggling to subdue my body, I was fiercely wishing to escape it.  This is the only moment I have. Resisting my experiences, even the really hard ones, won’t make them go away. It will just make them harder.  I once heard a Buddhist teaching about learning to ride a horse as a metaphor for re

Introducing Reverend Steven Greenebaum, MSI Press Author

Reverend Steven Greenebaum is founder of the Living Interfaith Church in Washington state. He holds Master's degrees in Mythology, Music, and Pastorial Studies. He has dedicated his life to the oneness of humanity, working for social and environmental justice through a multitude of forums. Minister, teacher, and both church and temple choir director, he has worked with Common Cause and marched at Standing Rock. He was the Founder/Executive Director of Citizens for Environmental Responsibility. His book, One Family: Indivisible, a spiritual memoir , placed as a finalist in the religion category of the American Book Fest Best Books Award in 2019. He has now written a book, Seeking Balance in an Unbalanced Time , dealing with the pandemic, that will be released in July 2020. Read more posts by and about Steven Greenebaum and his books HERE .

Author in the News: MSI Press Author Julia Aziz Pens Column for the Power of Moms

Julia Aziz has penned a column for the Power of Moms web journal, titled "Motherhood: A Choose Your Own Adventure Story." She begins: Do you co-sleep? Schedule feedings? Baby wear? Cry it out? The questions start from the beginning. Whatever the age and stage, mothers are often asked to take a philosophical stance on child-rearing and debate issues so seemingly serious they sometimes damage friendships between women.  Read the rest of the article HERE . Read more posts by and about Julia Aziz and her book, including book excerpts,  HERE . Listen to a podcast interview of Julia by Dr. Betty Lou Leaver, Managing Editor of the MSI Press HERE .

Books on Parenting --"Normal" Children and Special Children, Normal Circumstances and Special Circumstances

Parenting has its joys; it can also be demanding when all does not go as planned or hoped, as in this picture of parents with their son and two emergency room specialists, raising up (literally) their physically challenged daughter. MSI Press offers several unique books on parenting--for the everyday difficulties and the unique challenges. Take a look! 3 65 Teacher Secrets for Parent s by Cindy McKinley and Patti Trombly See posts by and about Cindy and Patti, including book excerpts, HERE . Courageous Parents   by Dr. Haim Omer Read posts by and about Dr. Omer, including book excerpts, HERE . How to Be a Good Mommy When You're Sick by Dr. Emily Graves Read posts by and about Dr. Graves, including book excerpts, HERE . Lessons of Labor by Julia Aziz See posts by and about Jula Aziz, including book excerpts,  HERE . Life after Losing a Child by Pat Young and Joanna Romer See posts by and about Pat  and Joanna. Noah's New Puppy by Richard R