Excerpt from A Guide to Bliss (Shai Tubali): Practice: The Expansion of Positive Emotions

Practice: The Expansion of Positive Emotions 

Expanding a positive emotion can be a wonderful way to start your day. However, it can be performed in almost any situation and at almost all times. As emphasized in the introduction, it is highly recommended to try out expansion, at least in your first attempts, with a friend guiding you.

Important: whenever you see this mark, “…” it is your sign to pause for a few seconds in order to either receive a response or settle into and deepen a new state . 

1. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Allow your entire being to relax more and more. Breathe slowly and deeply… You are about to enter into your innermost Self… to enjoy a state of self-knowing, which is the sweetest and most wondrous state possible… Now, from this relaxation, let the moment or time in your life in which you experienced the highest level of happiness, elevation, and limitlessness rise to the surface of your mind. Recall the situation within yourself. Where are you? … What are your feelings? … What are your physical sensations? … Give a general name to the general feeling… Look for the area in your body in which the general feeling appears the most…

2. Get in touch with the general feeling. First, feel it as it appears in the situation… and then let go of the situation and remain only with the general feeling. Breathe into it. Feel it deeply while using the specific area in the body in which it is felt the most… Again, let the situation come up, and feel the general feeling as it appears within it… Then, remove the situation and remain only with the feeling. Breathe into it… For the last time: let the situation appear in your mind, feel the general feeling within it… and then remove the situation completely and remain only with the feeling…

3. Breathe into the general feeling. Move into its depth, into its very core. Try to describe it with words. What does it feel like? … Look for an area in the body that is deeply connected to it… a shape or an image… a color… a general sensation… a fragrance…

4. Feel this general feeling from within. Breathe into it. Allow it to spread wider and deeper. Let it fill your entire body and being. Breathe into the image or shape in the area of the body that you have located, and let it continue to expand until it reaches its outermost limit, until it cannot expand anymore. Request: “General Feeling, show yourself completely to me!” …

5. Give a name to the expanded state… Breathe into the expanded state. Move into its depth, into its very core. Try to describe it in words. What does it feel like? …

6. Look closely. Who are you in this state? … How do you understand the meaning and purpose of life from this state? … Abide in this state. Sense and feel it from within… Allow your body-mind complex to re-charge in this sublime state… Look for an area in the body that is deeply connected to this state… a shape or an image… a color… a general sensation… a fragrance…

7. Feel this expanded state from within. Breathe into it. Allow it to spread wider and deeper. Let it fill your entire body and being. Breathe into the image or shape in the area of the body that you have located, and let it expand more and more until it reaches its outermost limit, until it cannot expand anymore. Request: “Expanded State, show yourself completely to me!” …

8. Give a name to the expanded state… Breathe into the expanded state. Move into its depth, into its very core. Try to describe it in words. What does it feel like? …

9. Look closely. Who are you in this state? … How do you understand the meaning and purpose of life from this state? … Abide in this state. Sense and feel it from within… Allow your body-mind complex to re-charge in this sublime state… Look for an area in the body that is deeply connected to this state… a shape or an image… a color… a general sensation… a fragrance…

10. Feel this expanded state from within. Breathe into it. Allow it to spread wider and deeper. Let it fill your entire body and being. Breathe into the image or shape in the area of the body that you have located, and let it expand more and more until it reaches its outermost limit, until it cannot expand anymore. Request: “Expanded state, show yourself completely to me!” …

11. Give a name to the expanded state… Breathe into the expanded state. Move into its depth, into its very core. Try to describe it in words. What does it feel like? …

12. Look closely. Who are you in this state? … How do you understand the meaning and purpose of life from this state? … Abide in this state. Sense and feel it from within… Allow your body-mind complex to re-charge in this sublime state… Look for an area in the body that is deeply connected to this state… a shape or an image… a color… a general sensation… and a fragrance…

13. Feel this expanded state from within. Breathe into it. Allow it to spread wider and deeper. Let it fill your entire body and being. Breathe into the image or shape in the area of the body that you have located, and let it expand more and more until it reaches its outermost limit, until it cannot expand anymore. Request: “Expanded State, show yourself completely to me!” …

14. Finally, encode the body-mind complex to align with the most expanded state… You have learned that positive emotions are a gateway to the divine reality that is hidden deep within you. Positive emotions can be expanded toward infinity… Can you now see, from the beginning of the process, the potential for expansion of this general feeling? … Express gratitude toward the initial feeling that lead you into this most expanded state…

15. For the last time, immerse yourself in this expanded state for self-remembrance and liberation… Remember: who you really are transcends all emotions, and this transcendence is true meditation. Before you open your eyes, choose to keep in contact with this state within your heart, even in your ordinary state of consciousness. Now you may gently open your eyes.

Meet author, Shai Tubali, HERE.

Shai Tabali has also written, for MSI Press, the award-winning book. The Seven Wisdoms of Life.

For more posts about Shai and his books, click HERE.

For excerpts from other books, click HERE.


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