
Showing posts from January, 2021

A New Normal for the National Museum of Language

  Being a publisher of language teaching and learning books (among other lines), we are always interested in what the language community is doing. One source of fascinating information is the National Museum of Language. In its most recent newsletter, it talked about its new normal in the era of covid.  At the Museum, our new normal is to not only continue to offer you the same great content you have seen throughout the years, but to add new and exciting concepts to our regular lineup. The Teacher's Corner has taken on a digital slant, focusing on what can be done now while many teachers remain teaching online to some degree, but with tasks and tools that can come back with you to the classroom. After the success of our first trivia night, we will be looking at another one coming to you shortly. Having virtual Speakers has increased our audience significantly and allows us to reach out to audiences we had never considered. And those are only what you have seen so far! Our ne...

Did you know that the dog had a cat friend in Travels with Elly by MacDonald?

  Yes, Elly had a friend, Buster, a cat, who made the RV trip across Canada with her. Buster was apparently not a very good traveler at first, but adapted with time and experience. Here are some times the cat appears in the book: Buster is a Rag Doll breed of cat whose defining characteristic is going limp when he’s picked up. Having grown up with Elly, the slightly older Buster established himself early on as Alpha and maintained that relationship by a swat or nip on Elly’s hindquarters when he decided a playful interlude was over. While Elly was always a great traveler, Buster had some issues, even before our trip began. He occasionally upchucked if a road became too twisty or bumpy for more than 10 or 15 minutes. Buster’s problem behavior stopped suddenly and permanently during our trip, much to our delight. When appropriate, I’ll offer my opinion as to why. Our departure date of July 1 coincided with Canada Day, a statutory holiday for citizens to celebrate the birth of Canada....

Author in the News: MSI Press Editor Publishes Seminal Work with Cambridge University Press

  Betty Lou Leaver, managing editor of the MSI Press LLC, has joined with two colleagues, to edit a groundbreaking book on transformative education. The back of the book says it all: Transformative learning has been widely used in the field of adult education for over 20 years, yet until recently has received little attention in the field of world languages. Drawing on test practices and research of distinguished international world language experts, this volume provides theoretical and classroom -tested models of transformative education in world languages in major university, state, and government programs. Chapters outline theoretical frameworks and detail successful models from cutting-edge programs in a wide range of languages, with plenty of examples included to make the theory accessible to readers not yet familiar with the concepts. Classroom teachers, program administrators, and faculty developers will find support for their courses. With its innovative approach to the tea...

Excerpt from One SImple Text.... (Shaw & Brown): Back to the Woods

photo:              A nurse named Ally carried a big, white binder into Elizabeth’s room. It contained, according to Ally, all the information I would need to help me understand what to expect in the coming days and weeks. As Ally guided me through the binder, the truth that Elizabeth was not yet out of the woods—not even close—began to sink in. My heart pounded in my throat, and tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. “Just take it hour by hour,” Ally told me, just as the TRU nurse had.   I learned about the two critical periods in the early recovery for a person with a brain injury. The initial critical period when injuries may be so bad that they cause death, even with the best care, occurs the first day or two after the injury. Those who survive this period face another critical period a few days later, lasting for approximately two more weeks during which time the brain may swell and complications occur a...

Excerpt from Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest (CB Leaver): Отрывки

  Shenan (CB) Leaver's book, Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest, was translated into Russia and published in Russia, with excerpts in the Socionics Journal . For those who can read Russian, hear is some fun reading!! Мама отравила нашего гостя! (фрагменты из книги) Авторы: Си Би ЛИВЕР и Бетти Лу ЛИВЕР В своей книге Си Би Ливер, один из семи детей Бетти Ливер, решил рассказать о своей Маме, которая помогла ему с редактированием текста. К сожалению, хорошей фотографии Си Би не нашлось, поэтому помещаем только фотографию героини книги. Соционический тип: как нам кажется, хорошо виден из текста Эл. адреса: CBLeaver @ aol . com и Leaver @ aol . com Хаос на кухне. Моя Мама – очень хорошая Мама, но очень плохой повар. Однажды моей сестрёнке понадобилось принести на праздник девочек-скаутов "дьявольские яйца" (обычно их фаршируют майонезом и сладким красным перцем, но Мама, вид...

A Publisher's Conversation with Authors: How Books Get Published -- Anecdotes from the Trenches

                                                                                       (photo by Frank Perez) It is Tuesday. Time to tall turkey. Monday's madness is over, and Wednesday will take us over the hump, so Tuesday it is--for some serious discussion with authors. Tuesday talks mean to address authors in waiting and self-published authors who would like to go a more traditional route or who would at least like to take their steps with a publisher by their side. Ever wonder how books get to be accepted for publication? There is often more to any author's story than non-authors and not-yet-published authors would image.  Yes, of course, every publisher has the normal channel of proposal reading and acceptance based on t...

Introducing Dr. Elizabeth Mahlou, MSI Press Author

  Dr. Elizabeth Mahlou is our most reclusive author. she  wishes to remain anonymous because she speaks candidly about her childhood abuse while avoiding naming names in order to shield the innocent from more emotional harm. However, using her pseudonym, she is willing to communicate with readers who enjoy her books,  A Believer-in-Waiting’s First Encounters with God  and  Blest Atheist . She is now hard at work on a follow-up book,  Raising God’s Rainbow Makers .  Dr. Mahlou maintained two blogs for several years. 100th Lamb  and Clan of Mahlou are still available, cached, on line. Dr. Mahlou knows our author, Sula, Parish Cat at Old Mission , and she wrote a story about her,   “Cat with a Divine Mission,”  that  appeared in   Guideposts Magazine   in December 2015.  Dr. Mahlou has often used a tiger, a kindred spirit, as an avatar . You can read more posts about Dr. Mahlou and her books and blogs HERE .

Excerpt from Parenting in a Pandemic (Bayardelle): Introduction

  As a child, I imagined that the year 2020 would feature flying cars, magically calorie-free food, teleportation, and pets that were actually robots. What the actual year 2020 has brought is a complete dumpster fire. At the time of writing, we’re only halfway through, and so far we have experienced increasingly dangerous political divisions, major earthquakes, civic unrest, actual locusts (really), the deaths of cherished public figures, continuing protests for racial equality, massive fires, and murder hornets. We can’t forget about the murder hornets. Oh yes, as if all of this wasn’t already enough, we’re also facing an unprecedented global health crisis in the form of the coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19. The WHO first reported a novel virus on January 5, 2020, after a series of cases in Wuhan, China originally thought to be pneumonia proved to be from the same strand of a new disease. [1] The first cases outside China were reported on January 13. On January 20 t...