Book Review of Weekly Soul (Craigie) by Reader Views

I have read other "self-help" books, but none have been quite like this one. With the author's goal of providing a way of help and healing, he...[has] achieved his goal. His writing is smooth, and the fact that each chapter isn't too lengthy provides more inclusivity to readers who have shorter attention spans. After each chapter, the reader will leave with new knowledge, if not about themselves, then the world and people around them, allowing change to happen in their lives. What is great about this book is that previous knowledge is not required, but the reader can simply pick up the book, start anywhere, and take something valuable away from their time spent reading. I have read other "self-help" books, but none have been quite like this one. With the reflection questions, the reader will need to expect to answer them in their head, as there are no lines to write on; this can be positive or negative for specific readers. Read the rest of the review HE...