Cancer Diary: Gripper Sox


Carl, who died from cancer August 16, 2021 would love to see me wearing my non-slid slipper sox. He was constantly slipping as he tried to walk with his walker, unbalanced from hypercalcemia. He found these sox online; they are stronger than the typical non-slid sox (click the link above to get to the sales site), warm, form-fitting, and comfortable. 

I was always slipping when I tried to pull him up from his chair after he became too weak to stand on his own. I was barely strong enough to lift his 275-pound body with some help from him, and having sox skid me along the floor because his weight was more than my bicep strength created a dangerous situation. So, he ordered me several pairs, which came just as he was dying. I never got to wear them. He was in a Hoyer lift for transportation at that time.

After he died, though the need for super-floor-sticking no longer existed, I cleaned his drawer and gave his sox (too big for me) to my son and daughter, whom they fit. Out of curiosity, I tried on the anklet style sox he had bought for me. Wow! No more sliding anywhere. They would have been so helpful had they arrived while Carl was still walking and I was still pulling him up. 

I love them, and now I wear them a lot. I wish he could know that! 

I usually do not recommend products. To each his own is my philosophy. But just once in a while, I do because someone just might like to know about a truly super product.

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Blog editor's note: As a memorial to Carl, and simply because it is truly needed, MSI is now hosting a web page, Carl's Cancer Compendium, as a one-stop starting point for all things cancer, to make it easier for those with cancer to find answers to questions that can otherwise take hours to track down on the Internet and/or from professionals. The web page is in its infancy but expected to expand into robustness, and updates and additional information is added every week. 

As part of this effort, each week, on Monday, this blog will carry an informative, cancer-related story, "Cancer Diary," which will also be open to guest posts. 


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