Daily Excerpt: Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest (CB Leaver) - The Babysitter

excerpt from Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest

The Babysitter

When I was smaller, Mommy sent me to church every Sun­day morning. The church van always came at 9:15 to pick me up, and Mommy was always rushing to get me ready on time.

One Sunday morning a man came to the door at 9:10. Mommy could not believe that the van was five minutes early. She always counted on those five minutes to get me ready. Usu­ally, no one came to the door, so she figured that they must have been sitting there for a while. She started to hurry.

“Just a minute,” she said, leaving the door open. She quickly grabbed my suit coat and put it on me.

“I just have to comb his hair; it will just be a second,” she called to the man at the door as she darted into the bathroom after a comb. A few seconds later, I looked mighty spiffy.

“Almost ready,” she called out again, as she rushed upstairs to get my Bible and offering.

Whew! She had never got me ready so fast.

“Here he is,” she said, out of breath, as she pushed me out the door.

I looked up at a tall man in blue. I did not know him, so I just stood and looked at him, and he looked at Mommy.

“Ma’am,” he said, now that he could get a word in edge­wise. “All I require is a signature.” He was an express mail post­man with a package for Mommy.

A friend of Mommy says that every time she sees an ex­press mail truck now she thinks that there goes Mommy’s babysitter. She also said that Mommy was not going to get Mother of the Year Award that year.


Not everyone can be Mother of the Year!

For more posts about CB Leaver and his book, click HERE.

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