The Story behind the Book: Practices That Work: Bringing Learners to Professional Proficiency in World Languages (Garza)


This week's blog post is the next in the series of book back stories and is the story behind Practices That Work, edited by Dr. Thomas Jesús Garza.

From the publisher - 

This is one story whose back story I know very well. I created it! 

For years, a What Works in developing high levels of foreign language proficiency was wildly popular, especially at government language institutes where outcomes are intently monitored. It was a simple book with a powerful message, a small book with a big impact, short recipes by famous "language chefs" who had, as a team, led the now-closed Coalition of Distinguished Language Centers. It was known by many as "the little yellow book."

Over time, it became dated. Over time the publishing rights migrated to MSI Press LLC (long story for another time). Over time, the original authors ("language chefs") retired (and, in some cases, alas, died). 

What to do with the book rights became a question, especially with the CDLC no longer in existence. After some thought, as managing editor, the decision was made to revise (update, expand) and reissue the book. It was too good to be pushed aside. The topic was still too young to be relegated to the grave--few teachers as yet have gained the experience needed to bring learners to near-native levels of foreign language proficiency.

So, after casting about for someone capable of bringing the little yellow book back to life and up to date, I approached Tom, one of those super language chefs, who had contributed to the original book. He gathered together the old chefs as well as newer ones who had appeared after the publication of the original little yellow book.

One thing was clear: the cover had to be yellow! And so, as of a year ago, we have a new, polished, updated, and expanded little yellow book of valuable recipes not found in textbooks by the world's best language chefs! 


Paperback copies of this book can be purchased
at 25% discount with coupon code FF25.

For more posts about Tom and this book, click HERE.

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