
Showing posts from July, 2020

Book Alert: 10 Quick Homework Tips

Released today: 10 Quick Homework Tips . with special advise for activities during a quarantine. Written by two teachers with 40 years of combined experience: Cindy McKinley Alder and Patti Trombly.   Check out their other book that also has many activities that can be done during a pandemic: 365 Teacher Secrets for Parents . And here is another source of hood activities to help during quarantine from Black Parenting Magazine: click here .

Author in the News: Joshua Shea Appears on Podcast, Through a Therapist's Eyes

Joshua Shea, author of  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?  and Porn and the Pandemic was a guest speaker on Through a Therapist's Eyes on May 6, 2020. Listen to the podcast episode, "Pornography and the Coronavirus,"  HERE . For posts by and about Joshua Shea and his work, read  HERE .   

Book Review: Courageous Parents: Opposing Bad Influences, Impulses, and Trends (Omer)

A nice review of Courageous Parents by Dr. Haim Omer was posted recently by Readers Favorite . "These suggestions can be used by counselors, therapists, psychologists, parents, and educators when tackling issues between parents and children in a mature and peaceful way." To read the full review, click HERE .  The Readers' Favorite book critique rated Courageous Parents a 5 (top level) on all elements: appearance, plot, development, formatting, marketability, and overall opinion. Click HERE for the details. To read more posts by and about Haim and his book, click HERE .

Author in the News: Joshua Shea Guest Appears on Conversations with Eugene Abner

Joshua Shea, author of  He's a Porn Addict...Now What? , was a guest speaker on Conversations with Eugene Ebner on May 4, 2020. Listen to the podcast episode, "Porn Addiction Author and Educator, Joshua Shea,  HERE. For posts by and about Joshua Shea and his work, read  HERE .

Introducing Dr. Susan Lewis, JD, MSI Press Author

Susan J. Lewis, Ph.D., J.D., is a multi-credentialed mental health professional with the unique combination of licensed psychologist, forensic psychologist, and attorney. She has 25 years of experience in clinical practice with unique populations who suffer from severe and persistent mental illness. Dr. Lewis is a sought-after consultant, and as a national seminar instructor, she trains hundreds of mental health professionals each year. Dr. Lewis's book, From Deep Within, provides a rare look inside the minds of mentally ill individuals. Check out her book HERE .

Introducing MSI Press Author, Shenan (CB) Leaver

Shenan (CB) Leaver has attended special education classes in Virginia, California, and Ohio and graduated from Hayes High School in Delaware, Ohio, where he was voted “class flirt.” A parishioner at the San Benedict (in the background) parish, he now lives in Hollister in San Benito County, California and works at a sheltered workshop, M&M, where he has many friends who like to listen to his tall tales, most of whichS are based on true stories, funny things that happen to one relative or another — or to him.     He has written a very special and very funny book about his mother,   Mommy Poisoned Our House Guest   (yes, true story). Stand by for edition 3, currently in the making. CB is also working on a similar volume about his father, tentatively titled   Daddy Waited . Shenan loves to receive email from readers! For more imformation on CB and his work, click HERE .

Released Today: Damascus amid the War (Muna Imady)

Released today, Damascus amid the War by Muna Imady, author of Syrian Folktales .    For more information about Muna and her books, click HERE .

Introducing Dr. Betty Lou Leaver, MSI Press Author and Managing Editor

Betty Lou Leaver (Ph.D., Pushkin Institute, Moscow) is Director of The Literary Center of San Juan Bautista and previously served as provost, associate provost, and dean at the Defense Language Institute. She established an international language program at NASA for cosmonauts and astronauts assigned to the International Space Station; served as a language training supervisor at the Foreign Service Institute, curriculum developer for the Federal Foreign Language Training Lab, dean and chief academic officer at the New York Institute of Technology in Jordan, president of the American Global Studies Institute, co-director of the Center for the Advancement of Distinguished Language Proficiency at San Diego State University, and founding director of the Center for the Languages of the Central Asian Region at Indiana University; and provided consultation to educational programs in 24 countries. She has published 21 books, more than 100 articles, and is currently co-editing a book,  ...

Yoga Videos for Busy Moms

Julie Gentile, certified yoga instructor and author of 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mama s , has prepared several yoga videos to help thoe moms to stay in shape and build their yoga skills. Check them out! Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel Main Page 15-Minute Feel-Good Yoga Practice 5-Minute Yoga Break Scan Your Senses in 2 Mindful Minutes  A Self-Care Book for Busy Moms For more posts by and about Julie and her books, click HERE .

Book Review: Seeking Balance in an Unbalanced Time (Greenebaum)

Goodreads has posted a very supportive book review of Seeking Balance in an Unbalanced Time by Rev./Dr. Steven Greenebaum. In part, the revew reads: Steven Greenebaum has written another first-class book. Or perhaps, at only 36 pages, it's better called a booklet. Nevertheless, its impact is outsized to its length, as Rev. Greenebaum gives a fine perspective on how to maintain one's mental health in the face of the current pandemic (and all the other ills of the world, too). Check out the rest of the review on Goodreads HERE . Steven Greenebaum is also the author of One Family: Indivisible . For more posts by and about Steven and his works, click HERE .

Author in the News: Joshua Shea guest on the Father Show with Mike Thompson

Joshua Shea, author of  He's a Porn Addict...Now What? , was a guest speaker on The Father Show with Mike Thompson on April 28, 2020. Listen to the podcast episode, "Overcoming Porn Addiction," HERE . For posts by and about Joshua Shea and his work, read  HERE .

Introducing Dr. Peter Jonas, MSI Press Author

Dr. Peter Jonas was a soccer dad for 18 years and has recently transitions to the role of soccer granddad. When he isn't refereeing a match and dealing with outrageous parents, he works as a professor of research and statistics at Cardinal Stitch University. Soccer Is Fun without Parents is his fifth book in general and his first book with MSI Press. It has received accolades and won a bronze medal in the Readers' Favorite competition. For more posts on Petrer and his book, click HERE .

Excerpt from Tips, Tools and Anecdotes to Help with a Pandemic (Charnas): Overcoming Challenges, Tips 1-3

OVERCOMING CHALLENGES 1. DO WHAT WORKS: VILE COUGH DROPS As I recovered from a splenectomy, I caught the horrible cold that was going around my work place. It started with a hacking cough in my chest. The day the cough started, I went to the Nex (Navy exchange, similar to a 7-Eleven) in the basement of my building and bought cough drops. They were vile but wonderfully effective. I hated them but needed them to be even marginally functional and to get to sleep. I ran into my neighbor a couple of days after the coughing started and mentioned the horrible cough drops. He said he’d had the same illness and recommended a better- tasting brand. He fished one out of his pocket and gave it to me. His brand tasted much better, but I didn’t have the time or energy to go to the drug store right then, so I continued to ingest the horrid ones for a while longer. I often advise my mental health patients do what works to improve their health even if they don’t like the options, su...

Excerpt from Harnessing the Power of Grief (Potter): Grief Guide: Tips and Validations

Chapter 14 Grief Guide: Tips and Validations  “I’ve developed a new philosophy— I only dread one day at a time.”  —Charles M. Schulz  This chapter provides tips to make it through each day, and to validate your experiences. As stated frequently in this book, grief is a powerful experience. You can participate in its power by using your own power to experience it and direct its course or by surrendering to its power. Using your power and surrendering are both important. Swimmers instinctively learn when they can swim, when they can dive into a huge wave, and when they can ride the wave. It is trial and error, and eventually inner knowledge and wisdom are attained, with tumbles and falls, and mouthfuls of sand along the way. Simply scroll through the topics to give yourself a boost. Or stop at one or two of them to read completely. Grief is natural to us as human beings. It may not feel good, but it is good. It is a good process. It is a powerful process. Eac...

Excerpt from Overcoming the Odds (C. Leaver): From Good Blood (Irit Schaffer)

This book itself contains excerpts from the best of MSI Press's publications on triumphing over difficulties. Want to brighten your day? Find out how others did! From Good Blood by Irit Schaffer -- As soon as I looked into his blue eyes, every cell in my body bubbled with joy. Yes, this must be love. I am in love for the first time. His are the bluest eyes I have ever seen. They are like the deep blue of the ocean on a clear and sunny day. My mom is sitting to my left, my sister, Edna, to my right, and I am falling in love. Ari Ben Canaan is his name. He is in charge of taking a boatload of people to Palestine. The boat, Exodus, is filled with Jewish Europeans planning to make their home in the soon to be independent State of Israel. Unfortunately, the British authorities have detained the boat in Cyprus. They are not allowing Exodus to complete its voyage to Palestine, and Ari has to take charge. His confidence is portrayed in his thin and muscular 5’9” frame. “We can g...

Introducing Nanette Hucknall, MSI Press Author

Nanette is a psychotherapist, career therapist, writer, and artist. She is available for lectures and workshops and has designed and facilitated workshops on “Karma, Destiny and Your Career,”and “Living From Your Heart,” which she has presented in the United States and in Canada. Nanette has a BA from Cooper Union and is trained in Psychosynthesis. She is a co-founder of The Center for Peace Through Culture, and is the founder and President of Higher Self Yoga. She has published several books on yoga, karma, and better self-understanding. She co-authored the popular MSI book, The Rose and the Sword: How to Balance Your Feminine and Masculine Energies , with the late Dr. Judith Bach.  Her latest MSI Press release is   How to Live from Your Heart: Deepen Relationships, Develop Creativity, and Discover Inner Wisdom ,  This book has won many awards, including  Book of the Year finalist American Book Fest Best Book Award Book Excellence Awar d Pinna...

Author in the News: Joshua Shea Interviewed on the Hell Bound with Haloes Show

Joshua Shea, author of  He's a Porn Addict...Now What? , was a guest speaker on the Hell Bound with Haloes Show on April 23, 2020. Listen to the podcast episode, "Hell Bound with Haloes,"  HERE . For posts by and about Joshua Shea and his work, read  HERE .

Book Alert: Harnessing the Power of Grief (Potter)

Released this week: Harnessing the Power of Grief (Potter). In this book, Julie Potter traces back decades the research on understanding and coping with grief, which she describes as a natural human response to loss. Pulling from the work of Worden, the author prescribes four tasks for those in grief to use in managing their grief. She also walks the reader through special situations like tragic loss without warning. A book for those who are grieving and those who are walking with grievers. See other MSI Press books on grief .

Introducing Dr. Geri Henderson, MSI Press Author

Dr. Geri Henderson considers herself, first and foremost, a teacher and mentor but loves her roles as sister, aunt, and friend.  Geri has taught in a number of places such as the Caribbean, Jordan, Bahrain, LIthuania, Lebanon, Japan, Korea, and the US.  Her interests include a passion for music which she studied and subsequently taught for 30 years before beginning her second professional career in higher education. She is probably teaching literature and writing somewhere in the world right now. Her first book with MSI Press,   Thoughts without a Title , was edited while she was teaching in the Middle East and contains the stories and essays of Middle Eastern college students and their views of the world. Her second book, co-authored with Seanne Emerton,   Healing from Incest: Intimate Conversations with My Therapist , is gathering 5-star reviews and was selected as a 2015 Book of the Year Award Finalist. Her most recent book was written together with R...

Author in the News: Joshua Shea on the Dr. Zoe Show

Joshua Shea, author of  He's a Porn Addict...Now What?,  was a guest speaker on the Dr. Zoe Show on April 16, 2020. Listen to the podcast episode, "How to Deal with Your Husband's Porn Addiction during COVID-19," HERE . For posts by and about Joshua Shea and his work, read  HERE .

Cats of MSI Press

SHELLY Shelly starred in the book, How My Cat Made Me a Better Man , by Jeremy Feig -- and that book placed as finalist in the Book of the Year award. For more posts about Shelly and the book she inspired, click HERE . INTREPID Intrepid is a memoir and love story written by grieving owners when he died at age 11, far too young, of cancer. For more posts about Intrepid, click HERE . SULA Sula is perhaps the most famous cat of MSI Press. She has written six books.        For evidence of Sula's Internet fame, click HERE . For more posts about Sula and her books, click HERE .